
This Weekend’s Rummage To Cure Sales Raise Nearly $5,000 for the

Wow! Wow! Wow! This was a huge Rummage To Cure weekend. Two sales. Two locations. And two groups working to help END SMA!!!

Lucy's Hope for a Cure in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin was a big success. For the second year in a row, Marjorie Trew-Munson organized this great neighborhood sale in honor of Lucy Zahn, who has SMA Type 1. After 1 month of collecting, they nearly filled a 3-car garage (owned by Dick and Deb Klauck, who generously donated their home and garage for the second year in a row). They started the sorting and unpacking of items on Friday and had so many items that Dick thought to put up the signs a day early for a few hours just to thin out the donations. In those three hours they ended up raising a whopping $160 with people literally digging through boxes on their own! Many individuals were especially generous, rounding up to their purchases to donate even more! For the rest of the weekend, the great weather continued to bring out great people and they did loads of sales, often having three or four people in line to check out at a time! And darling mini-volunteers Violet, Pennelope and Linus wanted to help as well by hosting a lemonade stand. A big thank you to all the friends of Lucy's Hope who were such a big help: Katie Trew, Danny and Annie Munson, Amy Bryan and family, Jim and Jeanne Zahn, Devin Munson, Dick and Deb Klauck, Jeanne and Gary Trew, and Marjorie Trew-Munson. You all are the reason the sale was a huge success! And we are so excited that the Rummage To Cure sale hosted by Lucy's Hope For a Cure raised an amazing $783.55!!!

Gwendolyn's grandmother hosted the 3rd Annual May Day To End SMA sale in Canoga Park, California on Sunday and for the third year in a row, we have been blown away! Gramma Ellen's sale is now so big and so filled with treasures that there are lines down the street to get in the morning and there are now repeat customers from years prior. Collecting so many items takes a lot of work and organization and Gramma had a lot of help, especially from Owen and Barbara Carter who helped pick items up, stored things in their garage, sorted, labeled, and hauled. And for the first year and because of Robin Mlynarik, Nevada Elementary School got involved after Robin did a presentation about SMA. On the day of the sale, literally hundreds of people shopped and the amazing Team GSF volunteers rarely had a moment to rest. From the moment the 9:00 am bell rang it was go, go, go with sales constantly. This incredible day couldn't have been done without the support and help of: Barbara and Owen Carter, MaryLou and Doug Smith, Spencer, Aunt Kristen and Uncle Richard Carter, GrandPa Bill Withey, the Lerner family (Garrett, Kim, Zeke and Lilly) and, of course, Gramma Ellen Strong. Thank you all for working so hard and making a difference! And thank you Robin Mlynarik for getting Nevada Elementary students, parents, teachers and staff involved in the sale and in ending SMA! What a wonderful success!!! May Day To End SMA raised a whopping $4,007.00! Wowee!

Together $4790.55 was raised for the GSF! Way to go everyone! That is INCREDIBLE! Together we can End SMA, one person and one dollar at a time!!!