
Team Jenna Raises Over $1,200 and Races This Sunday

Meet Jenna Boguhn. A spunky six-year-old who loves school, having painted nails, playing dress up, and being with her two older sisters. And while Jenna is so much like any other adorable six-year-old, Jenna has Spinal Muscular Atrophy. This Sunday, Renee Gronowski, Jenna's aunt, will be running the Buffalo Half-Marathon. This is, of course, in honor of beautiful Jenna and her bravery, but Renee is also dedicating each mile to other children with this brutal disease. Over the last few months Renee and the Boguhn family have raised over $1,200 for SMA research and we think they are awesome. Way to go Team Jenna! Good luck this weekend — we know Jenna's incredible fighting spirit will push you over the finish line!