
Good Things For Gwendolyn

Two weeks ago I posted “Good Things For Gwendolyn” about some of the fun, positive things in Gwendolyn's life. I have seen other bloggers make lists of positives — especially during a difficult time — and I love it. I have even seen some make their good things list a regular feature and I want to join them — well try. So the “plan” is to post a Good Things For Gwendolyn weekly to recount the funny little events, the sweet moments, the things I love. Maybe some others will as well — I'd love to read your good things, so leave a link to your blog in the comments. They don't have to be “BIG” good things and there isn't a required amount — just a list of the things that week that made you smile. This week the list is going to be a little long because I have two weeks worth of good things! (Some of these I already posted on Facebook, but since GrandPa and some other important folks aren't Facebookers, I am reposting them here.)

Gwendolyn's Good Things:

1) Last week, we were swinging on the swings at preschool when a little boy came running across the lawn. “I want to give this to Gwendolyn!” he said and handed her a purple flower. (This was initiated all on his own, no one told him to do this.) Gwendolyn blushed, batted her eyes and did a little coy shoulder (seriously!) and I could almost see her heart swell. It meant the world to her!!! (I nearly picked that boy up and smothered him in kisses, but then I regained my composure!)

2) I posted the above on Facebook and a few days later sweet Jadon (and his parents) posted this:

Gwendolyn was doing her night time routine, so I took my computer in to show her Jadon's picture and told her he wanted to give her a flower. She blushed and did her I-can't-believe-how-cute-that-is coy shoulder. I asked her if she thought Jadon was handsome to which she looked at Daddy, blushed even more, and then looked at me and did very BIG eye rolls “YES!” And then she wanted to blow him a kiss! (Slow down girl!)

3) We picked out the Christmas tree and decorated it over the weekend. Gwendolyn LOVED being involved in all the steps. Selecting the tree, hanging the wreath on the door, putting the silver pine cones on the dining table, decorating the mantle, hanging the stockings, and, of course, absolutely everything with the tree decorating. Like last year, we wrapped her in the lights and turned them on and off to her squeals of delight. And she then was our foreman telling us exactly where to place each ornament and which ones were allowed to go on the tree. At the very end, Bill climbed up on a step stool while Gwendolyn rested on his shoulder and together they placed the tree topper. Every night she loves going downstairs to see the tree and its lights, giving it a smell, and admiring the pretty ornaments.

4) Gwendolyn is fighting her naps. Well, she falls asleep for 5 minutes in the car as we drive home from preschool and then won't always take a full nap at home. She needs rest! Needs it! And apparently I do, too. I put on Peter Pan and then conked out snuggling with her. When I woke up, I couldn't believe I fell asleep. And was talking to her about it. I said, “Was Mommy snoring?” and she started laughing and kept saying, “Ah-huh!” giggle, giggle, “Ah-huh!” I still don't know if she was teasing me or if I was sawing logs in her ear. smile

7) I put Gwendolyn's hair in braids for the first time. Braids! Gwendolyn has very fine hair like mine and it just wasn't thick enough or long enough to braid. So last week while she watched a movie with a braided character, I thought I'd give it a shot. She really liked them after Daddy pointed out she matched Mommy. We've been doing them a lot now! She's so grown up!

8) Last Friday we got to go out to the stable to see Little Star and Zorro. The weather was gorgeous and Little Star and Zorro were so happy to see Gwendolyn. And boy was she excited to see them! This time she got to feed both of them carrots out of her palm, put butterfly clips in their hair, and take them both on a walk. And then we had a special treat. Diane (aka Little Star's Mommy) just got a new van to transport him in. It's the cutest thing ever — Little Mint — a 1960s mint-colored Volkswagon bus. Diane was showing us how easy it is for Little Star now and Gwendolyn really wanted to be in the van with him. He kept giving her little head bops and nuzzles and so I would put her head up to his neck to nuzzle back and they both loved it! And…she was in such heaven that she was able to be off her bipap longer than she has been in weeks. Gwendolyn loves Little Star!