The PRAYING FOR A MIRACLE NEW YEARS EVE GALA in Lynden, Washington was a huge success. In honor of darling 10-year-old Taysen, this selfless community turned the typical New Years Eve fun into a night of CHANGE. Over 300 people rang in the New Year for a good cause, raising $25,000 for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation!
This is Taysen Langstraat. Taysen is 10-years-old, smart, charming, and a wonderful big brother. He loves animals and hopes to be a zoologist one day. Taysen also has SMA. While Taysen faces extraordinary challenges, he does so with a courage and tenacity far beyond his years. His positive attitude inspired his community to help make a difference for SMA.


From Taysen’s aunt, Tawnee: “It is so great to be part of a supportive community that helped raise funds for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation. Taysen has put a B R A V E face on SMA for our community and, because of him, we are able to back a cause that TRULY makes a DAILY difference in fighting this disease on so many levels. THANK YOU GSF for being a VOICE for so many of us battling for our AMAZING little heroes. Knowing that there is a foundation where we can come together to fight this devastating disease is comforting! GSF….KEEP PAVING THE WAY, MAKING A DIFFERENCE, and never give up….it matters to this Auntie!”

From Taysen’s mom, Melodie: “We had an incredibly successful evening. My heart was so full that night. It still is! I feel so uplifted and supported by our community. People work so hard for their money and to see them give their time and resources so freely towards a cause that we believe in means the world to me. We will never stop fighting for Taysen. For SMA. It matters! I am so grateful to be BLESSED by such a supportive group of friends and family who are constantly lifting me and Taysen up. THANK YOU!”

What a truly beautiful night. What a wonderfully selfless community. What an incredible little boy moving people to do more, be more, live more generously. Thank you Taysen and the Langstraat family, thank you to all those involved in organizing and planning such a special night, and thank you to all those who chose to make your New Year celebration matter! NEVER GIVE UP.