It's been a very, very long night in the Strong house with the “Tea Fire” burning over the hills above us, the power off and on (more on than off though), no night nurse, water dropping helicopters buzzing extremely low overhead all night, and constant window gazing to see if the red glow from the fire is starting to come over the hills from Montecito. All things considered, Gwendolyn had a good night — she's still sleeping now — and she seems to be doing just fine, but we are definitely most concerned about how she will handle the smoke today. We called the PICU at Cottage Hospital last night and were so relieved that they were more than ready for us, they were more or less expecting us before we had even called — such a relief. We received a reverse 911 call around 5am putting us on evacuation warning, but not mandatory yet. We've gathered all of Gwendolyn's medical essentials and are all set to go if we have to leave or decide to leave today.