We're Home: Trip Recap

We're home and the old adage is true, there is no place like home (a full size shower feels like such a luxury). But, we are also sad to see this trip come to an end. While we knew this journey was going to be special, it has been more than we could have ever imagined. We have had experiences with Gwendolyn we were not certain were possible. We have seen dreams turn into reality. We have created memories as a family that we will all cherish forever. And in getting outside of our comfort zone and away from our routine, we have pushed ourselves and grown in new ways that will have a lasting impact on our life with Gwendolyn. And Little Miss Gwendolyn flourished through all of it…she simply loved it. Seeing her bright beaming smile throughout the journey made us certain that this trip was the absolute correct decision for our family — she needed it and so did we. It was good for us — it was good for our souls.

We'd like to sincerely thank Aunt Kristen and Uncle Richard once again for loaning us their house on wheels. This trip would never have been possible without their generosity.

FINAL Trip stats:

* Mileage for segment on Thursday: Benson, AZ to Palm Springs, CA —> 430 miles

* Mileage for segment on Friday: Palm Springs, CA to Santa Barbara, CA —> 204 miles

* Cumulative mileage: 4,816 miles

* Cumulative gallons of diesel gas: 753 gallons

* Average MPG: 6.40 (ugh!)

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If you missed some of the posts check out Where On The Road Is Gwendolyn for highlights or all posts can be found under the Sponsor-A Mile tag.

And here is some never before seen footage smile

And we're off…
Cutie Pie
Sedona, NM

On the road entertainment

Just about to meet Harry! She knew something special was about to happen!

Kisses for Grandpa Harry.

Vicksburg, MS Route 61 Cafe.

Gwendolyn's new favorite thing is to be on the counter — washing hands, helping Mommy…

Daddy Snuggles — Awww!
This is what you call a wardrobe malfunction — funniest part is little Henry could have cared less and it barely slowed him down.

Snuggle Movie Time with Cousin William

Little Mermaid.

G doing her Donald Trump impersonation.

Yup, buried Cadillac art (several of them)…

Arizona — Yes, that is a tarantula!

“Bye, Bye”!