Yesterday, Gwendolyn and I had a really fantastic day together. We went to music class, which is always a hit, but yesterday the teachers added a parachute to the fun and it had the WOW! factor. Gwendolyn and I went underneath it together and I held her hand up to touch the parachute as it went up and down. Her eyes were as big as saucers. Then we got to sit in the middle as the parachute bubbled around us. Gwendolyn beamed and smiled from ear to ear!
After class we walked to a nearby park and looked for butterflies, fish, and hummingbirds just like those found in one of our favorite books, Thisbe's Promise. We saw two butterflies swirling and dancing together, heard the birds in the trees, and Gwendolyn loved listening to the water babbling underneath her.
Afterward we stopped to get a cold drink before heading home. Gwendolyn likes to Cheers! with our drinks. And when we got home Daddy got the hear all the details. (Gwendolyn nodded enthusiastically in the affirmative or negative as I recounted our adventure.)
As a PS to our previous post, we forgot to mention that Dr. Abbott felt a blockage in Gwendolyn's bowel and so we have started the Miralax again. Gwendolyn has been having very watery stool for over a month now, but it has seemed that it was caused by switching to a new diet. Dr. Abbott thinks this blockage may be to blame. Hopefully, Miralax will help unblock the backup.