Sweet Lucy Zahn has inspired a team of supporters! Her spunky spirit is motivating people to not only learn about SMA, but to get involved in helping end it!
Team “Lucy's Legs” will be riding 90 miles around Lake Winnebago this weekend in Race The Lake 2011. Lake Winnebago is one of the largest inland lakes in the United States and the most popular lake in Wisconsin.Marjorie Trew-Munson is once again behind this effort. Marjorie is constantly planning, implementing, and going above and beyond for Team Lucy. To name a few things, she is currently hosting a Pampered Chef sale with 15% going to theGSF, she organized Lucy's Rummage to Cure two years in a row, oh and last year she stood by the side of Lucy's amazing mom, Barb, and joined her in shaving her head for SMA research! And get this, Marjorie just had a baby (in June; her third!) and yet, she is hopping herself on a bike and racing! See what I mean — Lucy is inspiring greatness!
Team Lucy's Legs is Marjorie, (her hubby) DevinMunson, DannyMunson, Rick Moulton, Joe Draven, and Cindy Gurzynski.From Marjorie:
Our team is a group of riders with GREATLY varying ability (Devin and I have been riding less than a year, Danny and Rick for years and years.) We all finish at our own pace, but we're all supporters of Lucy and her family, as well as a cure for SMA.As far as I go, I don't deserve any of the credit for getting things up and running for these events… really everyone around me keeps me on my toes for fundraising and awareness campaigns. If I'm “quiet” about SMA for more than a few weeks my mom and dad, sisters, friends, will start asking what I've got brewing. So, thanks to my “people”
please donate here.