We're unbelievably excited to introduce the thirty inspiring Team GSF Santa Barbara Marathon runners who have collectively raised nearly $45,000 and counting — from 350 donors and 40 Team Sponsors around the globe — for theGSF and SMA. $45,000!!! Team members include our family and friends, other SMA parents, and individuals moved by theGSF’s efforts and the SMA cause. Beyond raising an incredible amount of funding for SMA, Team GSF has also raised much needed awareness of SMA, its shocking statistics, its brutal progression, and its dire prognosis. These incredible people have selflessly trained for months so they can help change the future of SMA and to say we are honored to have them on our team is an understatement.
So, here are the thirty Team GSF runners who have all committed to running so one day those with SMA can too!
(in alphabetical order)
Kovena Avila
Hometown –> Solvang, CA
Running –> Relay
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Kovena decided to run with Team GSF –> “I have decided to run for this organization because I am a mother and know this is a great cause. Emily from our PEP group was very passionate about this organization and that was contagious.”
Ace Bedich
Hometown –> Las Vegas, NV
Running –> Full Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 1
Why Ace decided to run with Team GSF –> “I am so excited to be running the Santa Barbara Marathon for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation. Having friends like Bill and Victoria has shown me how two people can make a difference in so many other peoples lives. I never realized how important family was until I had my own. Having my two girls makes me realize how important it is to cherish each moment with them. I'm honored to be doing this to support the Strong family and sweet Gwendolyn. You guys mean the world to me and my family!”
Jennifer Berger
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Full Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Jennifer decided to run with Team GSF –> “My brother (Bill Crader) sent me the info online about GSF. I am a new Mom and I was Inspired by Gwendolyn and her family's story of strength and courage.”
Tom Blabey
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Tom decided to run with Team GSF –> “'I've wanted to run a half or full marathon for a while, but this was just the inspiration I needed to finally commit to it! Hometown course, great teammates, running to fight SMA – what a combo… Looking forward to it!”
Jennifer Borchert
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Jennifer decided to run with Team GSF –> “I set a personal goal this year to run the half marathon and I want to support GSF also!

Cathy Cameron
Hometown –> Goleta, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 1 Half Marathon
Why Cathy decided to run with Team GSF –> “I don't have any personal stories to share, but I am confident that we are close to finding a cure for SMA. I am excited to join Team GSF and happy that I can join the fight by just putting one foot in front of the other (over and over again).

Barbara Carter
Hometown –> Calabasas, CA
Running –> Relay
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Barbara decided to run with Team GSF –> “I entered the marathon to support a cause I care about and to support those I care about. SMA is a very heartbreaking thing and with research on the verge of a breakthrough we must all do what we can to make it happen.”
Kristen Carter (Gwendolyn Strong's Aunt)
Hometown –> Simi Valley, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Kristen decided to run with Team GSF –> “I run because Gwen can't. I will struggle through every step in honor of her daily struggles with things I take for granted. I'll be honored to run with GSF proudly on my chest. I love G more than anything.”
Karin Cogbill
Hometown –> San Jose, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Karin decided to run with Team GSF –> “For at least two years now I have followed your family in utter amazement of the never ending strength and courage that all three of you display. This year, I decided it is no longer time to follow, but instead to become an active supporter! I love running half marathons, so why not put my running shoes to good use while I'm at it?!”
Bill Crader
Hometown –> Manhattan Beach, CA
Running –> Full Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 8
Why Bill decided to run with Team GSF –> “It's the least I can do.”
Marina Delio
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 1 Half Marathon
Why Marina decided to run with Team GSF –> “Getting back into running after having kids has been on the back burner of my mind for some time. The motivation just wasn't there. Until I heard that Team GSF would be participating in the SB Marathon. How could I NOT run for Gwendolyn and theGSF?! I would give anything to see Gwendolyn RUN around with her friends. The motivation has suddenly come back stronger than ever. I am thrilled and honored to be a part of this inspiring team.”
Laura Haywood
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Relay
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Laura decided to run with Team GSF –> “I have run for many different organization before, and this past March I chose to run in the Barbara Ireland Breast Cancer 10 miler. While training I fell down and fractured my wrist, which continues to impact my life today. When Bill told me about running in the SB Marathon and that he was developing a Team GSF, I knew that my choice to join this team was much closer to my heart, than the different runs I have done before. I would break my arm again for this cause and this little butterfly. Gwendolyn is an inspiration to me and has impacted my life in many ways, however due to confidentiality and my role in her life, I can't grab each and everyone in this world and tell them about this incredible little girl I know. So…this is my way of shouting to the world to LOOK and learn about this horrible disease. Maybe, if I can just reach just one person they listen and learn and help, then they may tell someone, and on and on. Go Team Gwendolyn.”
Steve Litchfield
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 2
Why Steve decided to run with Team GSF –> “In the short time my wife and I have known Bill and Victoria, we've found them to be two of the most caring and genuine people that we've ever met. I want to do everything I can to help.”
Cherisse Lunt (Lucy Lunt's Mom)
Hometown –> Menlo Park, CA
Running –> Full Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Cherisse decided to run with Team GSF –> “I love to run, but mostly, I love my Lucy. She has SMA Type I and I am running to bring awareness and support for her and all of the other SMA children. I see the challenges that this disease creates every day and I really want to make a difference.”
Laura McElhinney
Hometown –> Brentwood, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Laura decided to run with Team GSF –> “I'm running to support the amazing Strong family and to raise more awareness for SMA. The strength it takes to run a half marathon pales in comparison to the strength and courage Gwendolyn, Bill and Victoria show everyday battling this cruel disease. I have always wanted to run a half marathon, and only now have I been given the motivation from the Strongs do actually do it.”
Stuart McElhinney
Hometown –> Brentwood, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 0
Heather Needham
Hometown –> Camarillo, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 2
Why Heather decided to run with Team GSF –> “Gwendolyn stole my heart, my families hearts, a little over three years ago. We haven't stopped loving her for one single moment since. We have been privileged and honored, to watch this beautiful child grow and blossom and yes,even fight. And although we wish with all those same hearts that she didn't have to travel this road, and fight so valiantly daily, she inspires us all to live with her courage and determination and grace. She is a hard act to follow though, let me tell you that! I will run this race, carried each step by the fighting spirit of this little girl, as well as those of her fellow SMA buddies and will cross the finish line filled with hope, that the cause for which we are running for will pave the way to cure. Thank you for allowing me to tag along with you all on this journey, I am blessed and better because of it.”
Lauren Lundy O'Connor (Owen Shuler's Aunt)
Hometown –> Nanuet, NY
Running –> Full Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 10
Why Lauren decided to run with Team GSF –> “Gwendolyn is my hero! She won my heart a long time ago and I want more than anything to be able to cure her. But I don't have a magic cure so the next best thing is running in her honor. It is also important to me because the Strongs have become much more than just friends. I consider them family and it's an honor to run alongside Bill in his fight for his daughter. You are my hero Bill!”
Michael Paskin
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Full Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 6
Why Michael decided to run with Team GSF –> “'Im running because my family and I love the Strongs and I can't think of anything better than being involved in Gwendolyn and Bill's first marathon!”
Christopher Petrosian
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 3
Why Christopher decided to run with Team GSF –> ” I am running for Team GSF due to the encouragement and passion of Daalia Reynolds. I am her trainer over at the Goleta Valley Athletic Club (GVAC), and over time she has told me about the wonderful work that you guys do. Daalia has told me Gwendolyn's story and it had a profound impact on my decision to support this organization. In addition, I love helping out the youth of our community. Along with being a trainer at GVAC, I am also a PE Teacher at St. Raphael Catholic School and a boys basketball coach for Santa Barbara Junior High. With my background, and after hearing Daalia say all the wonderful things about Team GSF, it was a no brainer to team up and to run for this cause. It is truly an honor to be able to run for this organization and to be a part for what it stands for. Thank you for the opportunity and I will see you guys at the finish!”
Emily Schwabecher
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Relay
# previous Marathons –> 1
Why Emily decided to run with Team GSF –> “I originally signed and completed the San Diego half because my cousin's daughter has leukemia and I wanted to support her and everything this little 5 year old has go through on a weekly basis. As well as my best friend's father passed this past year. I teared up throughout the race watching all the other people run. Most people had shirts or signs that stated who they were running for. People who are fighting the battle and people who have lost. This is what helped me keep running. It was just days before the half marathon I saw the post from the Strongs blog about running for people who can't and teared up again. I didn't know if I could actually complete one, let alone two. Now, a month later I might actually begin to think about running again…the relay portion at least.

Melanie Smith (Lucy Lunt's Aunt)
Hometown –> Menlo Park, CA
Running –> Full Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 1
Why Melanie decided to run with Team GSF –> “My little sweet special niece Lucy Lunt has SMA…..and ton support my sister Cherisse her mother!”
Bill Strong (Gwendolyn Strong's Dad)
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Full Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Bill decided to run with Team GSF –> “I'm running the Santa Barbara Marathon, my first, for Gwendolyn. For those fighting SMA every second of every day. For those lost much too soon to this brutal disease. And for me. I'm running because I can and I'm running so one day those with SMA can too.”
Ellen Strong (Gwendolyn Strong's Grandmother)
Hometown –> West Hills, CA
Running –> Relay
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Ellen decided to run with Team GSF –> “I couldn't be left behind. My son, Bill, decided to do this to raise awareness and money for SMA, the disease his three and a half year old daughter, my granddaughter, Gwendolyn, is suffering from. It's a HUGE effort on his behalf but when I heard how many other people were supporting his effort, I just couldn't be left in the dust. I needed to participate and so I decided to gather a group of four of us to run the relay portion of this marathon. One of my relay mates will be Gwendolyn's grandfather, Bill, and another will be Gwendolyn's nurse, Laura, who has become personally involved in Gwendolyn and her story, and our third running mate is my dear friend and my daughter's mother-in-law, Barbara Carter, who has supported GSF and Gwendolyn from the beginning. We are committed to this relay and look forward to participating in such a meaningful and worthwhile event!!! Can't wait for November 12! And look out SMA, we are running with our hearts to wipe you off the face of this planet! SMA HERE WE COME!”
Elizabeth Wagner
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Relay
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Elizabeth decided to run with Team GSF –> “Because we love and support the Strong Family and will run to the ends of the earth…well actually 9 miles is about my max right now

Bryce Wendel
Hometown –> Santa Barbara, CA
Running –> Half Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 5
Why Bryce decided to run with Team GSF –> “So that Gwen can run too!”
Bill Withey (Gwendolyn Strong's Grandfather)
Hometown –> Alto Loma, CA
Running –> Relay
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Bill decided to run with Team GSF –> “I love my granddaughter and I want to make a statement of support for the drive to rid the world of SMA.”
Lisa Wolfe
Hometown –> Carpiinteria, CA
Running –> Relay
# previous Marathons –> 0
Why Lisa decided to run with Team GSF –> “I have recently discovered my love for running and have always had a passion for helping others. So when a good friend of mine (the team captain) told me about theGSF, I said of course I would join the relay team. What could be better than being able to combine two things that are important to me!”
Rebecca Young
Hometown –> Mountain View, CA
Running –> Full Marathon
# previous Marathons –> 1
Why Rebecca decided to run with Team GSF –> “It's very easy these days to feel powerless – I feel that way every time I read the newspaper. So many of the world's problems seem just too big for one person to have much of an impact on. But running this marathon and raising money along the way to find a cure for SMA is something very concrete that I can do, and I know it will have a direct impact on children's lives. My twins just turned five today, and I'm so grateful every day for their health. It's my responsibility as a lucky mom of healthy children to help build a world where all children can thrive, and raising money to make sure babies born with SMA make it to their fifth birthdays seems like the least I can do. I'm running for Gwendolyn and for my cousin Emily, who has Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy and will turn 23 in just a few weeks.”
Only a few days to go untili the big race. We're so humbled by all of the support for this event and we can't wait to see all of the Team GSF NEVER GIVE UP. jerseys running the beautiful Santa Barbara course and the NEVER GIVE UP. signs dotting the sidelines cheering on all of the inspiring team members. Go Team GSF! NEVER GIVE UP.