SponsorAMile.com Update: $35,500 To Date; We Need Your Help To Reach

When we set out on this cross country adventure and organized SponsorAMile around it, we set a goal of raising $50,000 for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation solely to benefit SMA awareness and research programs. To date, we've raised over $35,500 from 373 individuals and corporate sponsors. We are extremely proud of this accomplishment, but we are actively striving to reach our goal of $50,000. And we need your help to get there!

If you haven't donated to SponsorAMile, please consider doing so. Each and every dollar will make a difference and no amount is too small. Over 1,000 people read this blog every day and if everyone donated just $10, collectively it becomes a monumental amount.

If you have already donated in support of SponsorAMile, we once again thank you — know that your generous donation means so much to us and will help END this disease once and for all.

As we make our final push to reach our goal of raising $50,000, here are a few other ways that YOU can help:

  1. Ask your friends – Email at least 10 of your friends and ask that they go to http://SponsorAMile.com to sponsor one (or several) of Gwendolyn's miles in her drive to cure SMA, the #1 genetic killer of young children
  2. Facebook – Use your status updates to share our link – http://SponsorAMile.com – with your Facebook friends and ask that they sponsor one (or several) of Gwendolyn's miles
  3. Twitter – Twitter about “Sponsor-A-Mile To End SMA!” and ask that your “followers” RT your Twitters

Thank you so much for your help. Together we can move SMA from being on the cusp of a cure to a curable disease!!! And that is worth every penny…

Click on image to donate:


Please make checks payable to “Gwendolyn Strong Foundation” and send to:

Wells Fargo Bank
1036 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, California 93101