Spa Gwendolyn

Gwendolyn has been having extra trouble being held upright lately because her top teeth are coming in and the extra drool makes it hard for her to swallow. (Teething is my nemesis!!!) We like to hold Gwendolyn (for obvious reasons), carry her around the house, and give her time off her back. She loves the snuggles, too. But when she chokes from being held up, it isn't fun for anyone. So after several failed attempts yesterday, I decided if I can't pick her up I can still give her loving contact. So Spa Gwendolyn arrived. I turned on some music and got my Burt's Bee's Baby lotion warmed up in my hands. She was already smiling. She gleefully sung along with me and enjoyed a full body naked massage. I can't help but give her tushie pinches and she squeals every time. We usually massage her in the bath, so this was a little out of the ordinary and she loved that aspect in itself. Ah, naked baby, so darn cute!