SMA impacts every aspect of life — and the SMA journey can be extremely challenging. Specifically financially.
There is a common belief that health insurance and other resources (federal, state, local) jump to the rescue to cover all costs associated with a diagnosis as severe as SMA. Unfortunately, even with complete coverage and full services, public resources don’t even come close and are often far from meeting a family’s needs. Costs can be astronomical and it can feel overwhelming.
We are here to help. The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation’s “SMA Community Grants” program has made financial grant contributions toward uncovered, tangible expenses associated with the challenges of SMA. We have helped families with the costs of an accessible van, home modifications, wheelchair repairs, lift system, equipment replacement, adoption of children with SMA, and, sadly, funeral costs.
Our goal in starting the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation has always been to fill in where there is a need — and the needs are so great in this area. Thanks to your support and the generosity of a large donor (more on this wonderful organization soon), this critical program can continue.
We will begin announcing the new grant recipients soon. Learn more and apply at GSFgrants.com. NEVER GIVE UP.