On Saturday we went to a first birthday party for darling Reese. Gwendolyn got to wear her new favorite butterfly dress (thank you Aunt Elizabeth) and we all had a great time on an absolutely beautiful day. As always, Gwendolyn loved being part of the party and watching and listening to all of the people and children and babies. She especially loved interacting with Reese, Reese's cousin, Audrey, who sweetly sang to Gwendolyn, and another little girl named Sienna — Gwendolyn's face literally lit up when Sienna reached out to touch her hand and she quickly reached her hand back out to touch Sienna again. It melted our hearts. Reese did not disappoint with her first birthday cake antics. Although she started slowly and daintily, she eventually ended up with pink frosting-dyed legs, arms, hands, and tummy. Very cute! Gwendolyn more or less insisted on having a taste of the frosting while I was mid-bite and she seemed to enjoy it as well. Thank you Paskin family for a great day!!!