We're packing up the GVan and heading to Gramma's for the night. We're excited about the weekend as I have an engagement party for one of my closest friends tonight and Victoria has a baby shower for one of her closest friends tomorrow. We're looking forward to both of the events and I know Gramma is excited about our stay at her house and especially being able to spend lots of time with Gwendolyn.
Getting ready for the weekend and organizing everything yesterday andthis morning was an in-my-face reminder of the reality of oursituation — and justified or not, stressed me out. Packing six lifecritical machines, cords, extension cords, batteries, feed supplies,ice chest for feed, medical supplies, medication, back-up medical supplies, oxygencanister (just in case), plus all of the normal baby and parent stufffor one night, and figuring out logistically how to time the trip down (it's only an hour drive) between Gwendolyn's feed and respiratory treatment schedule is just plain draining — and a bit depressing to behonest. It's an instant reminder of just how “different” our dailylife is. And, by the time it's all in the GVan that 8 seater plus plenty-ocargo space will be packed to the gills.
Anyhow, regardless of my venting I am truly looking forward to theweekend. Although it's not always easy, I try to focus on what we CANdo and not get dragged down by the process or what we can't do. Thepainful truth is that we are beyond fortunate to still be able to bedoing any of this with Gwendolyn — and I'm always mindful andconscious of that. It's really important to me that we are doing ourbest, within the confines of our reality, to attend events that areimportant to us — the two events this weekend are just that andI'm so glad that we will be celebrating at both of them withour dearest friends.