New MIC-KEY button please

I was putting Gwendolyn down for her nap this morning and I noticed
that her MIC-KEY button, the button in her stomach that her g-tube
connects to, seemed to be very loose and pulling out. Gramma helped
hold the old one in and I went to run and get a spare MIC-KEY kit we
had with us. The button is held in place in Gwendolyn's stomach by a
small balloon filled with water. Sure enough, when i checked the
balloon for water it was empty. This can happen from time to time and
luckily we just had her original button changed up at Stanford a few
weeks ago so we knew how to do it. Out with the old button. In,
quickly, with the new button. Fill the new button with 5ml's of water
using a syringe. And voil, Gwendolyn's MIC-KEY is back in business.

Minor emergency averted. Having the button fall out and stay out
unnoticed would not be good as the hole, just like with pierced ears,
can close up quite quickly.

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