Thank you to everyone for all of your helpful suggestions and concerns yesterday. We really appreciate all of it.
After speaking with our pediatrician we decided to step it up a notch. We gave her 1/2 cap of Miralax in the afternoon mixed with her normal 100mL feed and added an additional 100mL of prune juice. Nothing happened. The next step was to give more Miralax, plus a glycerin suppository 🙁 We have to get her to go. So, this morning, after still no action, we gave her the additional dose of the same mix with her morning feed and oh-did-that-work! Yeah! No suppository needed. All I'll say is that Gwendolyn seems very relieved, much more comfortable, and her heart rate is back down to more normal levels. Although she has a nasty diaper rash from it all – Butt Paste to the rescue!!!
We'll be going back to our normal daily prune juice regimen and hopefully we'll get the poor little thing back on schedule over the next few days.
Thanks again to all…