Mayday! Mayday! We Need Your Stuff!

And donate to a good cause!

Gwendolyn's Gramma is preparing for the 2nd Annual May Day to End SMA Sidewalk Sale and we are collecting your stuff! Between now and April 25th we are gathering all the items you are no longer using that are in need of a new home. We are especially interested in:

  • bicycles
  • baby gear (strollers, car seats, bouncers, swings, etc.)
  • children's toys
  • gently used or new baby and child's clothing
  • homewares and kitchenwares (lamps, furniture, dishes, pots, decorative pillows, bedspreads, etc.)
  • purses
  • costume jewelry
  • tools

You may remember the May Day sale raised a whopping $2,500 last year. This year Gramma is hoping to double that and raise $5,000 to benefit the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation.

So, if you live in Los Angeles or Santa Barbara — or anywhere in between — think of donating your items to help SMA research. And we pick up! For pick up contact Ellen Strong via email: [email protected] or phone: 818.497.0626. Or if you live in Santa Barbara you can email me: [email protected] or simply drop off items at your convenience. * All donations are tax deductible.

Thank you so much for your help and please forward this post or pass on the flyer to others who may be willing to contribute. One person's junk is another's treasure!!!