Health Net — our health insurance provider — is at it again this year raising our health insurance premiums at ridiculous rates. This year it was a clean 18%. Yup, 18%. That number is crazy on its own, but what % do you think Health Net has raised our health insurance premiums over the last 4 years. 80%? Nope. 90%? Nope. 100%? Nope. Try 136%! Yes, one-hundred-thirty-six-percent! 136%! Over. The. Last. Four. Years! Health Net, that's just plain unjustifiable.
I've been outspoken about every increase along the way. I've blogged (35% blog post, 35% blog post, 9.75% blog post) and written open letters to Health Net CEO, Jay M. Gellert, written letters to Health Net Executives and their Board of Directors, and written to our U.S. representatives and state representatives. I've received cordial responses back every time from everyone. But nothing changes. And every year we get another premium increase letter.
I don't expect anything to change this year or next or the following, but I won't stop making it known what the health insurance industry is doing to ordinary families like ours. Something needs to change. I know it's complicated. I know health care costs are rising. I know it's everyone else's fault. But that can't continue to be the excuse for passing the buck and piling the problem on top of us — your customers. Until the issues are faced by the health insurance industry and our legislators one thing will remain sadly true — the rising burden of health care costs on families like ours will continue to be the single largest reason for bankruptcy in this country. And that's a shame. And inexcusable.
Until next year…