Gwendolyn’s Mermaid Brigade. Gwendolyn planned all of this. Yes, last Halloween she had already planned her costume for this year and she wanted her team to all dress up together. She never wavered on it as we discussed costumes throughout the year. Even this summer she was very specific about what everyone on Team Gwendolyn was to be. Her nurses and teachers: her mermaid sisters, Daddy: Prince Eric, Eleanora: Sebastian the crab, Mommy: Ursula the Sea Witch, and she was to be Ariel — of course.

Gwendolyn loved Halloween, getting dressed up, feeling imaginative and magical. And I loved making her feel extra special with whatever costume she wanted. She even easily persuaded a once reluctant Daddy to go all in on whatever her heart desired (always the prince to her princess ).
This first Halloween without her, we knew that we had to fulfill her last wish. How could we not? But it means even more that Team Gwendolyn felt the same way.
You see, these six women would do anything for her. And she knew that. They were devoted to her, understood her, were silly with her, and gave her access to the world. They continually went above and beyond for all of us. Because of them, Bill and I were able to create a more balanced life – juggle work, the foundation, Gwendolyn’s busy social calendar, and still foster our marriage. In all honesty, we would not have felt confident planning to add Eleanora to our family if we had not had their support, love, and dedication in our lives.
Their life with Gwendolyn was more than a job. In fact, I don’t think after one day of working with her any of them considered their time with her work. She loved each of them with her whole heart because they adored her and gave her a life beyond just Mommy and Daddy. We have always been so grateful to have these incredible women in our life. And that continues to be true even after Gwendolyn’s passing.
When Gwendolyn passed away, we knew it would be devastating for all of them. Anyone who knows them knew this too. These last few months we have all been lost without our spunky girl and have found comfort in being together – laughing, crying, and simply knowing her loss is deep in each of us.

We are so grateful that Abbie (and Derek – Abbie’s husband), Alby, Emily, Evelyn, Kara, and Tina helped us fulfill Gwendolyn’s last wish and do it just the way Gwendolyn wanted. Everyone wore their designated costumes and went all out for her once again (with major Gwendolyn approved mermaid shimmer). They all came over to our house and then we all attended “Boo at the Zoo” together, just like she requested. As the last accessory we brought a cut out photo of mermaid Gwendolyn so she could be there with us — like we all wished she could be.
To some it may seem strange or unhealthy or even morbid. But it was a fun and silly and very Gwendolyn day, and that made it a special way to honor her. Gwendolyn would have loved every minute of all of this.
And, Eleanora, the very cooperative little crab, thought it was the best thing ever to have so many (very sparkly) ladies caring for her, dancing with her, and loving on her. How lucky she is to get to have such special people in her life.
Oh, Miss Gwendolyn, your Mermaid Brigade misses you and will always adore you!