Gwendolyn’s AA Diet Update: New Movements

It's been a bit over a month since we started Gwendolyn on her new Amino Acid (AA) diet and everything has been going really, really well. We were pretty nervous about the switch, but Gwendolyn has not had any issues with the transition other than minor constipation in the very beginning. Since the transition, we've noticed that Gwendolyn's skin looks much healthier and that her general movement (arm, leg, and neck) has slightly improved. We are pretty excited about the increase in movement, hoping it gives Gwendolyn the opportunity to have a bit more independence and perhaps success trying some new things that she previously was not strong enough to do. Unfortunately, we have not seen any benefit to her respiratory ability (which was our biggest hope) or any reduction in her secretions. Perhaps as more time goes on we will see changes to these as well. Overall, we're very happy with the results thus far — and we think Gwendolyn is as well (she says she likes her bananas best) smile

Gwendolyn's current AA diet plan consists of:

(The video shows some of the new arm movement. It's not an Earth-shattering transformation, but she is putting her arm higher than usual. And you will notice her movements are deliberate and she is so focused on them. And watch her get her Dora doll with such pride!)