Gwendolyn stable, but in PICU

Oh Gwendolyn. She likes to keep us on our toes. We are at Stanford right now in the PICU. It's a bit of a long story and the truth is we don't really know all the chapters yet. She is stable and happily watching lots of movies, but something isn't quite right. For the last few weeks we have been noticing different things and as time has gone on new oddities keep being added to the list. It hasn't been consistent, which is the confusing part — three good days, followed by one day of low numbers, two good days, followed by one day of whimpering, four good days, followed by not coming off bipap. All the while Gwendolyn is, well, so Gwendolyn — loving adventures, loving playing, loving life!

We went to Las Vegas over the weekend (and had an absolute blast with our dear friends — will post soon), but she had one night of low numbers and she wasn't comfortable on the drive home (although the rest of the time she was fine). And then she decided to throw up the day we got home. We knew it was time to call “The Mountain Mover” aka Dr. Nanci Yuan, Gwendolyn's fabulous pulmonologist at Stanford. And so, here we are.

The really good news is all the major big respiratory things have been ruled out and Gwendolyn's lungs are clear. But that leaves us with a puzzle. Gwendolyn has a pattern of doing things that aren't always typical or expected and this seems to be another one of those things. She has now had scans and xrays and scopes and swabs and blood draws and the puzzling is still being puzzled. We are worried, as any parent would be, but we know we are in good hands — we adore Dr. Yuan and all of the amazing nurses and doctors at Lucille Packard Children's Hospital, but they need us to stay put for now.