I just loved this picture. I took it right after Gwendolyn and Victoria had a great day rocking out at music class and playing with some friends at the park. Gwendolyn loved every minute of it — as always — and she was super snuggly with Mommy (and Daddy later) after her day of adventure!
Yesterday, we took a walk down to State Street in the late afternoon after Gwendolyn woke up from a longer-than-usual nap. It was a chilly April day, but a beautiful day to be out and about. We spontaneously stopped in a cafe and enjoyed a nice glass of wine and shared some great appetizers. Gwendolyn, as always, was amazingly patient! She really enjoyed watching the waitress open the wine bottle and she did a good job checking out all of the passers by and taking it all in — it's so fun to watch her curiosity of everything. It was such a relaxing, refreshing way to spend a beautiful Friday afternoon together.