Monday was Gwendolyn's first day of FIRST GRADE! Eeek! We can't believe our baby is a BiG 1st grader. She was so excited to be back in school. In fact, she confidently marched into class, thrilled to see her friends, and excited about what this year will bring.
Bill and I, on the other hand, felt nervous, so very proud of her, but protective and hopeful that this year will be all she needs it to be. We are totally stage four clingers. We know it. Partly out of necessity and partly out of fear. In nearly six years we have only left her a handful of times, usually after she's already asleep. She goes with us everywhere and we her. But, Gwendolyn is ready. Our Little Butterfly's independent wings are growing and she is ready for us to let her soar… without us. Gulp. (And now I may cry.)
The first day was filled with fun: songs, books, friends, writing and even some graphing. It was also filled with new. New teacher, new special education and speech teachers, new classroom, new routines, and many new kids in her class. And it was filled with the familiar. Same wonderfully embracing school with thoughtful families who are so accepting of Gwendolyn. Same darling friends on the playground at recess and lunch. And same amazing nurse, Tina.
The minute we arrived, pulled into Gwendolyn's designated parking spot, and were met by Tina, Gwendolyn was ready to go. All the kids and parents greeted her enthusiastically and she eagerly waved to them as she headed to class. A quick hug and kiss from Daddy and into the class she went. I planned to stay in the class like I did last year but within minutes it was so clear I wasn't needed. Tina and Gwendolyn had it handled. I sat in the back not really sure what to do with myself. And then I got that Mommy lump in my throat saying, “Where did the time go, my baby is growing up.” It really does feel like just yesterday she started going to her first music class and first playdates and first birthday parties.
(Seems like just yesterday)
(Really this week)
This time last year Bill and I were overwhelmed with emotion that our little girl made it — made it to kindergarten… a milestone most SMA children do not get to see. Throughout the year we watched as she excelled and completely and totally came into her own in her school environment, surrounded by peers, doing everything all the others were doing, celebrated for just being herself. Watching Gwendolyn on the first day of school, so fearless, I marvel at the person she is. She is much braver than I. She always has been. She is always eager and ready to tackle the new. And Bill and I know we have to let her.
It will be a slow transition before we fully leave her at school but for the rest of the week Bill and I sat on the picnic bench outside of the classroom, ready to help if needed. It wasn't needed. By the end of the week we even went off campus to get a coffee — and neither of us panicked. We know she is in good hands. We know her school days are so full of love and acceptance and she is getting so much from her experience. And we are so grateful for all the people who have and who are helping Gwendolyn get to just be a child.
First Day Highlights:
- New school outfits. Gwendolyn has always selected her own clothes each morning, down to the hair clip. This year her inner fashionista really came out during our back-to-school shopping and she put different ensembles together very purposefully, things that were not displayed together at the store. She knew then that the peach belted pants with the kitty shirt would be her first day pick.
- A real desk, one that you put things inside of! First grade is the BIG leagues. No more tables. Now she has her own desk, with her name on it, with her own special things inside.
A new pencil box from her teacher with her name on it and all kinds of school supplies in it. Mrs. L really hit the 6-year-old major approval mark with this. Mid-way through the first day she told them all to reach into their new desk to discover the surprise pencil box she prepared for each of them. All of their little eyes were wide with thrill. (I was watching at the window
- Giving friends hugs and picking right up where they left off last year. There are three first grade classes so a lot of Gwendolyn's special buddies are no longer in her class. But all of them came running up at recess looking for her. Little Kane even stopped his soccer game specially to give Miss G a hug.
- Singling silly songs with her new teacher. We are a silly family, so when Mrs. L sang fun songs throughout the day to transition to the next activity or get their first grade wiggles out, Gwendolyn thought it was the best thing ever. I did too.
We are so, so, so proud of our Miss Independent. And we feel like the luckiest parents in the world to get to be hers.