A few months back I wrote about the charitable work many domain name companies and individual domain investors are involved in supporting. Now I’m going to ask YOU to consider stepping up to the plate and help a charity. The beauty of it . . . it costs you NOTHING except a few minutes of your time. You can support them today by simply going to Facebook and voting. That’s it. Simple !
VOTE NOW – Chase Bank is giving $1 million to the charity with the most votes and $100,000 each to the charities that come in #2-6 in votes. Currently The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation is in 7th place. They need your help. All you have to do is go to http://VoteForSMA.com and vote for this charity.
What’s this charity about ?
The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation . . . The foundation was created by Bill and Victoria Strong to help provide resources and support for research organizations and the scientific community to help end Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) , support efforts to raise awareness and educate the community about SMA and to support the programs focused on helping families impacted by SMA.
What is Spinal Muscular Atrophy?
It is a degenerative neuro-muscular disease. It’s also the #1 genetic killer of small children and the #1 killer of infants. 1 in 40 people carry this gene.
There is currently no treatment and no cure, but the National Institutes of Health (NIH) selected SMA as the disease closest to treatment of more than 600 neurological disorders.
YES ! Closest to treatment. According to reasearchers, the treatment of this disease could lead to further scientific breakthroughs. “We know that Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis and cancer all come from genes that are aberrantly spliced,” he said. “If this is a model disease, meaning we succeed in treating Spinal Muscular Atrophy, we will know how to correct splicing of other genes in other diseases,” according to Professor Ravindra Singh.
$1 million can go a long way to helping get closer to finding a treatment !
Other ways you can help today :
- Tweet about it (check out mine here and here). Ask your followers to please vote.
- Update your facebook status. This is a great way to get more votes from your friends and family.
- Blog about it. There’s more than enough blogs in the domain space to get a thousand votes easily.
- Link to this article, the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, or VoteForSMA.com
- Banner ads. . . .we’ll have some up soon. Snag the banners and link to VoteForSMA.com
$1m can go a long way in helping this effort. Please consider helping this charity !
Vote now ! Voting ends on Friday, January 22nd.