Brave. I used to think people were brave in only the heroic sense. Grand acts. But now I realize that we all make brave choices, little ones, almost every day. These little acts of bravery may seem so inconsequential that we don’t even notice our own courage.
Today I got new glasses. I ruined the ones in this picture years ago, but I put off replacing them. I wasn’t consciously avoiding… until I saw this photo and realized I wasn’t ready to let my old glasses go because I got them with Gwendolyn. She was my sidekick. I remember the trepidation entering the store with her: Was it accessible? Would people stare or say something rude? Was I making a good choice bringing her? Every day with Gwendolyn I weighed simple decisions like this — was the risk worth it? But, of course, life needs to happen and sometimes you’ve got to do tasks that don’t seem to have much benefit.
Well, this simple task of getting glasses ended up being such a fun day with my girl. Turns out she loved going to the eye doctor. She tried glasses on, she watched my exam with curiosity, and she took the final glasses decision very seriously. She then insisted she get to wear her pretend glasses so we could match. We went to the Sea Center and all day we had our own private little giggle that “everyone must think we are twins.” It feels like yesterday. But then I look at my spotted lenses that I can barely see out of and it slaps bitingly that Gwendolyn is gone and those sweet memories happened five years ago. I now look back on so much of the day to day with her and I realize I was brave – even when I didn’t notice.
And today when I made the choice to get new glasses, I was brave again, too. I won’t throw out my old pair just yet, I’m not quite ready. And that is okay. I’ve realized that the little brave choices we make add up to a lifetime of courage. Some days I don’t have much extra – but I do know one day, when I am brave enough, I will let them go – and I will be okay.
I hope you know that your little choices are brave, too. You don’t even need “insane courage” – just small acts of bravery. And, one day, you will look back and realize what a warrior you are! NEVER GIVE UP.