Bill Strong/GSF Selected as a Winning Lionheart

We are pretty excited around here. Bill was selected as a “Grand Award Recipient” of the Lionheart contest, winning a prize of $10,000 for SMA research!!! Yippee! Technically the prize is $5,000 for the recipient and $5,000 for the nonprofit of his choice, but as Bill said in his essay, he wants nothing more than a cure for SMA and so 100% of all prize money will go to GSF and toward curing this awful disease! And we are doubly excited because Nate Lee, fellow SMA father and founder of the invaluable SMA parent and patient resource SMAspace, was also selected by Lionheart, winning $1,000!!! So awesome! This is so incredible for SMA. And while only 25% of the selection process was voter based, we were and are still floored by your incredible support. In less than a week, Bill became one of the top vote earners of the entire contest, even though many other people supporting very worthy causes had been in the contest for weeks more. Once again you left us humbled by the remarkable force you all create and for your continual support and rallying for GSF and our fight to end SMA! Thank you so very much for your help. Thank you so very much for believing in what we are trying to do. Thank you so very much for joining the fight. Together we can end SMA!!!

Yahooo — $10,000 buckaroos!!!!

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