Big Girl Salon Hair Cut

This weekend we took Gwendolyn to the big girl fancy salon that Mommy and Daddy go to, Walter Claudio Salon Spa, for her official second hair cut. The whole salon idea came from how much she loves “Daddy Salon” after her bath and that she was in bad need of a hair cut coupled with my stylist, Jen, being an amazing supporter of us, GSF and a cheerleader for Gwendolyn. I thought Gwendolyn may warm up to the idea if she watched as I got my bangs trimmed. She watched and warmed compared to last time, but very luke. She liked getting to wear a gown and did well in the beginning, but that was about the extent of her love for the big girl salon. Oh well, at least Jen was quick and super sweet throughout the entire thing. Thank you Jen for being so great! Gwendolyn did like holding the little envelope with her hair in it for our walk home smile