Acts of Kindness: The Walker Family

Wow. Simply blown away. Ann and Jim Walker and their darling twins Will and Lily are determined to raise $5,000 for theGSF this year. They decided this all on their own and are half way to their goal. When Will and Lily turned two earlier this year they asked for donations to theGSF in lieu of gifts (what philantrhropic tots!). And now they have gotten their preschool involved and what an incredible preschool it is. From Ann:

My children, Will and Lily, attend All About Kids Childcare and learning center in Montgomery, Ohio. I am pleased to tell you that the school will be doing activities throughout the next few months to helps raise awareness and money for SMA. They will send out a flyer to all their families. One activity they have started is the teachers can wear jeans on Friday if they pay a dollar. The best part of this is that they are putting it into our “pot” where my husband Jim and I will match it dollar for dollar. That means double the impact on ending SMA. We will keep in touch regarding our efforts to help end SMA. We are determined to reach our goal of $5,000 over this coming year. Gwendolyn is such an inspiration and so full of spirit.

Acts of kindness such as this are truly incredible. We have always believed that every effort matters and each time someone tells someone else we see that ripple continue. Thank you Walker family for creating an SMA fighting ripple in your community!!! Thank you for making a difference!!!