Barb Meland, known as “Nana Barb” in SMA circles and to her darling grandson Drew, and her students at Mounds Park Academy have touched our hearts. She is a first grade teacher in St. Paul, Minnesota. At the end of the school year one of the parents asked what she would like as an end-of-year gift. She responded that there was nothing that she wanted or needed, but that her family would be honored if they wanted to donate to the cause of SMA. The families of the 16 children in her classroom donated a total of $140 and Nana Barb chose to sponsor 14 of Gwendolyn's Sponsor-A-Mile miles to help END SMA. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to Nana Barb and thank you to each and every one of the families at Mounds Park Academy who donated. Together, we will work towards raising awareness about SMA and funding research to end it once and for all!