Fight for Gwen

Through this process we've met some exceptional people who have touched our lives and changed us forever. One such couple is Dorothy and Jon Shuler from New York. They lost their precious Owen to SMA in August 2008 at only five months old. We bonded with them through their fight and feel connected to them, their family, and their friends. They started “Fight For Owen” to help find a cure for SMA. During Owen's hospital stay in July/August 2008, they had t-shirts and bags made with a pink “Fight For Gwen” logo imprinted on them. Their selflessness and thoughtfulness towards Gwendolyn and our family in such a difficult time is a testament to these amazing people. Although we wish it were under much different circumstances, we feel honored to be connected with the Shuler's and so many other families who are fighting through, helping others, and crusading to end this horrible disease.