We're very concerned once again about Gwendolyn. She had a good week, but over the last couple of days she just hasn't been herself. She's been lethargic and we've been getting some stickier, discolored secretions both orally and nasally. We're also battling with constipation on a more regular basis and the poor thing is teething so she has periods of extremely heavy, watery secretions. Oh, and gas; with her increased bi-pap settings she's started to have a lot of uncomfortable gas (the heavier bi-pap air pressure has to go somewhere), so we're having to vent her tummy manually through her g-tube pretty regularly and we're hooking up a contraption to her night feed called a Ferrell Bag that supposedly helps to vent her tummy throughout the night — the jury is still out on the effectiveness of that one. After speaking with Dr. Yuan on Friday, we decided to put her back on the bi-pap 24/7 and start an antibiotic called Augmentin to be cautious and potentially combat any bacterial infection that Gwendolyn may be fighting off. The Strong household is back on high-alert.