Happy Thanksgiving

What a wonderful day to reflect on our many blessings. I am thankful for…

* Living in Santa Barbara — It is really nice to be able to walk right out the door with Gwendolyn, stroll through parks, show her flowers, feel the sunshine, and get a fancy coffee pretty much year round. And the people and sense of community here is just what we need.

* Community Support and Resources — We could not relish every giggle if it were not for the generous help and continued support of others allowing us to be fully present for our daughter.

* Doctors, Nurses, Researchers and Medical Technology — If it were not for the medical profession and its advances, we would not have our daughter…and we would not know why.

* Time — Having nearly lost Gwendolyn on several occasions already and knowing so many families who have lost their babies, we are acutely aware that our time with Gwendolyn is precious…and we savor it.

* Friends and Family — without the support of our loved ones, we would be lost.

* My Wonderful Husband — Bill is an amazing father, a supportive friend, a true partner, and a remarkable person. I love the way Gwendolyn lights up when she sees her Daddy with a look that says, “You are the Best Guy on Earth” — and I agree. The absolute BEST!

* Gwendolyn, Gwendolyn, Gwendolyn, but specifically…
Gwendolyn's long legs, her pudgy hands, her bubble bum, her silky hair, her sly smile, her sense of fun, her dare-devil zest, her soft giggle, her excited babble, her look of complete trust and full love…Gwendolyn.

Have a very happy Thanksgiving!!!