Grumpy Bear

Gwendolyn usually wakes up with a big smile, ready to play. But, lately, my sweet little sunshine has needed some extra coaxing…and big snuggles. Since Gwendolyn decided she only needs one nap a day and since that nap went from one hour to an hour and thirty minutes, those last thirty minutes seem to push her into a deeper sleep and, therefore, grump-ville. For the last several weeks she wakes up from her nap sobbing. Gwendolyn is so easy going that this worried me at first, but now I know that if I handle her with extra delicate gloves, then she can be jollied out of her foul mood. So, every afternoon we start with a shoulder snuggle — this is a must and she screams at me if I dare lift her head. We then look in the mirror at ourselves, sing a very soft song (sometimes, I pick the absolutely wrong one and fumble through my repertoire), go outside to look at the flowers and then go visit Daddy in his office (the garage). Usually this works and then she is nice and ready to read books or play. But some days my bag of tricks seems a bit thin. It is a good thing Gwendolyn allows for on the job training, but I wish she would give me a daily memo.