Gwendolyn was over the moon to be at Gramma's house. The excitement started before we even got there just by telling her we were going to see Gramma and Gramma's doggie!!! Gwendolyn totally understands now and it was so cute to see her get excited about the new adventure. She loved the new surroundings, but at the same time she definitely suffered a bit from separation anxiety and so Mommy or Daddy had to be in eye shot at all times. But, as long as she could see one of us, well, then she was very happy to play, sing, read, and be fully entertained by Gramma…or was it Gramma who was entertained
And a big new change was that Gwendolyn adored Gramma's big dog – Evan. Before she was always very wary. But, this trip she couldn't get enough pets, pats, and licks from him. It was really cute.