After speaking with Gwendolyn's pulmonologist and making a visit to see her pediatrician, Dr. Abbott, today, we aren't as concerned as we were earlier. While the change in Gwendolyn's oxygen saturation is strange, given that she has never shown any signs of distress or discomfort or major signs of anything, we aren't going to worry about it for now. We'll continue to monitor her very closely and hopefully this is just a a strange machine reading or an unexplainable blip on the radar (she likes to keep us on our toes
We also spoke to Dr. Abbott about the “Swine Flu”. While there haven't been any cases confirmed in Santa Barbara, CA, we are nonetheless concerned about what's going around. He reassured us that we should continue what we do every day to protect Gwendolyn from viruses (i.e. obsessive aniti-bacterial hand washing and limited contact with people) and not to worry unless there are cases confirmed in our area. Regardless, the Strong's are on a heightened level of alert and are ready to hunker down if this thing continues to spread…