May Day SMA Benefit Sale Raises $2,500+; Proceeds to go to Gwendolyn

The First Annual May Day SMA Benefit Sale was an enormous success bringing in over $2,500!

We'd like to especially thank Gwendolyn's Gramma for conceptualizing, organizing, and working tirelessly over the last several months to make this event happen. We'd also like to thank our family and friends for donating their time to help Gramma setup and work the sale and the countless supporters from Southern California who graciously gave hundreds of fantastic items to make the sale possible. Your support means the world to us and the proceeds from the sale will be going towards helping END SMA once and for all!

Research | Awareness | Support

We are very excited to announce that all proceeds from the May Day SMA Benefit Sale will be going directly to the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation (GSF)! After much thought, many heart to hearts, and months of hard work, Victoria and I decided we HAD to start GSF because Gwendolyn's journey with SMA has forever changed our lives. Our mission is to provide SMA research organizations and the scientific community the resources necessary to end SMA, further awareness about SMA, and support those impacted by SMA and other life-altering diseases. We are very excited and look forward to growing the foundation and announcing additional GSF events and projects in the future…

We'd like to say a HUGE thank you to our dear friend Josh Lippiner. Without his consistent encouragement and technical expertise we would have never been able to get the GSF website launched. Thank you Josh.