Still at Gramma's; Things are Looking Better at Home!

We are still hanging out at Gramma's and making the most of our forced time away from home – we're actually having a great time. We've been thinking about our friends back in Santa Barbara constantly and are hoping that everyone has remained safe.

It sounds like the weather has cooled down considerably and the winds have cooperated and that has allowed the amazing fire crews to get a handle on the fire. We heard late today that our neighbors were allowed to go back home. That is great, great news!!

We've decided to stay put through Monday at Gramma's house. Hopefully things will continue to stay calm and the air quality will continue to improve enough for us to go home and settle back in.

Today we visited our friends Nick and Aubrey in Venice. It was such a relaxing afternoon, Aubrey prepared a gorgeous lunch, and Gwendolyn loved spending time with them as always — she loves them!! She also got a kick out of their dog Rufus licking her toes constantly (look in the picture and you can see little Rufus in the bottom right hand corner). What a great day.

We're thinking of everyone and hope you all have a Happy Mother's Day!!!