Happy 2nd Birthday Sweetheart—Love, Daddy

Dear Gwendolyn:

It's almost unfathomable that my precious little girl is turning two-years-old today — on so many levels. It literally seems like yesterday that you popped your little head into this world and gently taught me what truly is wonderful and special and good and extraordinary; taught me what really matters in life. I could never come up with enough words to adequately describe my feelings towards you, but here are a few things that I want you to know I love:

I love being the one to put you down at night most of the time, watching you valiantly fight putting those fluttering eyes to rest and dreaming.
I love being the first to see those beautiful eyes greet each and every single cherished morning when you wake up. So curious. So innocent. So Gwendolyn.
I love your gentle determination and am so proud of your fighting spirit.

I love seeing the world through your eyes, bringing that world to you, and bringing you to as much of that world as humanly possible.

I love how unbelievably forgiving you are.

I love that you love your bath time…especially since you wanted no part of the first one you were given in the hospital when you were born.

I love our morning walks; I love that you love them as well.

I love the deeply loving and distinctly admiring way that you look at Mommy — always — every time — without fail.

I love watching you dance with Mommy (especially to Beyonce's “All The Single Ladies”).

I love that your trust for both Mommy and me has absolutely no end.

I love your soft, gentle smile.

I love your mischievous giggle.

I love holding your hand, reading you books, and singing you terribly out-of-tune songs.

I love the tiny brown mole on your left leg below your knee cap.

I love that you still let me snuggle with you. I hope you never stop.

I love your imperfect toes and your perfect tiny nose.

I love your thirst for adventure and the look of surprise and excitement on your face when we find it for you.

I love that you still think I'm pretty darn funny smilend birthday sweetheart. You are my world…