SMA Blog Party: Join Us!!!

Yes, an official “SMA BLOG PARTY!” The first ever! What's a “Blog Party”? Simple — We all come together and post about the same topic on the same day — in this case Spinal Muscular Atrophy, SMA!

On THURSDAY, September 16th, bloggers will come together to 1) Talk about SMA, 2) Put a face to this awful disease, and 3) Help WIN $20,000 for SMA research! By simply posting about SMA and asking YOUR friends and blog followers to get involved by VOTING for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation in Jimmie Johnson's Samsung Helmet of Hope contest — you are making a difference! It doesn't matter if you have 5 or 50,000 followers — it's about coming together, joining in, and giving the Internet an SMA blast!

Not sure what to write? The point is to answer that “What is SMA?” question and why funding is so necessary! It can be a quick link. It can be a long post. It's up to you. You can write about how SMA has impacted you or you are welcome to post about our family. You can post one of our videos from either of our YouTube channels (GSF Channel or Personal Channel) or get permission from one of the thousands and thousands of families living with this disease. Or simply include SMA stats. (Click here for SMA facts.) But, no matter what you write, please be sure to include how your blog followers can help end SMA by voting for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation to win $20,000 for SMA research at every day in September through Jimmie Johnson's Samsung Helmet of Hope contest. Simply cut and paste the below as part of your post:

PLEASE VOTE: Its really this simple >

  • You can vote once EVERY DAY from now until September 29th at 5 PM EDT
  • Go to, select the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, enter the two security words, check the Official Rules box, and then click Vote Now!
  • Thats it! It's really that simple smile

    Sooooooo…will you be joining us on THURSDAY, September 16th? Will you help raise the bar on the #1 genetic killer of young children — SMA? Will you help fight for the thousands of children dying from this cruel disease? Together we can make a difference! Together we can end SMA — one blog post at a time smile

    Here's to ending SMA! Thank you for your help!