
Magda Runs 50 Miles! You Shop. SMA Loses. And 50 Miles of Positivity!

I am sure you remember Stephen Taylor and his 100 Miles for Owen? Well, his awesome girlfriend, Magda Cardoso (who truly defines amazingness), is adding her shoes to the ultra marathon trail with a 50 Mile race this weekend! Um, yeah, AMAZING! Magda is compassionate, motivated (obviously), absolutely gorgeous, and down right inspiring. She's one of the most positive people we've ever known. Not only is she running this crazy race this weekend, but she is fighting SMA ALL. THE. WAY!

Magda works for PUMA and she has organized an incredible win/win fundraiser. It's simple. She runs. You shop (with a 40% discount!). GSF wins. SMA loses!!! Here's the scoop:

While I'm out running 50 miles in Wisconsin (my first ever!) I want YOU to shop at the PUMA store or Puma.com with my 40% EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT!! For every transaction rung up with my employee code, $1 will be donated to the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation to fight Spinal Muscular Atrophy, the #1 genetic killer of children!! Please support me this weekend & shop 'til you drop!! ? P.S. PLEASE post to your FB page, email, whatever you need to do … just SPREAD THE WORD!!!

How cool is that!?! You get a 40% discount on PUMA shoes, shirts, gear! GSF gets $1 for every transaction (so if you buy multiple things, ring them up separately!). And 100% will go to SMA research. The only rules are you have to use this coupon or coupon code and purchases must be made between September 17th and September 20th. THIS WEEKEND — when Magda is running her legs off!!!

And…on top of the awesome PUMA event, Magda has also started “50 Miles of Positivity!” After several of her friends asked where and how to support her run, Magda decided to dedicate EACH mile to a different person! This is what she had to say:

Im going to do something CRAZY & ask that 50 FRIENDS SPONSOR MY 50 MILES!! For a minimum donation of $10 between NOW & FRIDAY NIGHT, one of my 50 miles can be YOURS!! Just donate at least $10 to GSF (via 100MilesForOwen fundraising page), and prior to Saturdays 5am start Ill let you know which mile is yours. When I reach YOUR mile during Saturdays journey, I will dedicate that ENTIRE MILE to YOU by thinking & sending positive thoughts for YOU and ONLY YOU as I run it. And youll even be able to track me online to know EXACTLY when these positive thoughts are being sent all the way from Wisconsin!!


ALL 50 MILES (AND THEN SOME) HAVE BEEN SPONSORED AND DEDICATED!!! Check out the amazing list below.

Oh, yeah, and her boyfriend…who can forget the incredible Stephen…he's running this with her! You guys are simply too much! SMA does not stand a chance with all the running going on this year!!!

Thank you so much Magda! We are always cheering you and your positive spirit on!!! And are so honored to know you!!!