Chris Bartl: Lifting Heavy So One Day They Can Too

This is Chris Bartl. Yep, he's pretty strong. Make that he's insanely strong. He's also got an incredibly big heart. Chris is a competitive powerlifter and he's getting ready to head to his latest competition in North Carolina. The Backyard Bash will showcase some of the strongest men and women in America — including Chris who will be lifting nearly 900 pounds. But Chris isn't just lifting weights, he's turned his personal achievement into an opportunity to raise funds to help change SMA.

“I'm a powerlifter, which means I like to lift really heavy stuff. I am also inspired by the strength and determination of children. So when I met Bill Strong and heard about his daughter, I knew I wanted to help. Now I lift heavy so one day they can too. NEVER GIVE UP is more than just a motivation saying, it's a credo for a way of life. There will always be stumbling blocks or situations that come up that require a deep inner drive to keep pushing forward despite all the pain and suffering. That is why I love powerlifting and the carry over to the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation. In powerlifting, the weight is trying to break you in half but you must never give up. In a competition, things go wrong and you miss a lift and you have to get the next one to stay in the competition but you must NEVER GIVE UP. Lifting heavy weights is not just about getting stronger physically, it also gives you the tools mentally to battle anything that life throws at you. Lifting is a luxury that many get to enjoy — but not everyone. I lift heavy weights, so hopefully one day, a child can beat SMA and find the same passion for the iron that I do.”



UPDATE: The Backyard Bash was a big success for Chris. He set three personal records, lifted 800 pounds in one lift and a combined 2005 pounds in one day, won a 1st Place trophy, and qualified for XPC semi finals. He also raised $800 for theGSF! Thank you Chris for literally pushing your physical strength to the limits to help conquer a disease that robs children of theirs. NEVER GIVE UP.

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